Business & Life Coaching
Our Approach
If you need a little time and space to stop. To reconnect with what’s important to you. To make sense of your world, make decisions, identify new skills or to re-energise, our coaches at Alchemy are highly experienced in both business and life coaching, whether face-to-face or via Skype.
The difference:
Business coaching differs from life coaching in one very clear way. Business coaching has an additional focus which, for many, is the most important. Namely, the enhancement of operational, professional and financial performance appropriate to the coachee’s role.
Life coaching is concerned with the day-to-day skills necessary to live a fruitful and fulfilling life by considering some of the big questions inherent at a stage of major life transition.
Whether business or life coaching, the resulting decisions and actions are carefully considered through the unique coaching relationship which places the coachee firmly in the driving seat.
Get in touch
Talk to us about how we can work with you on Business and/or Life Coaching: